Department of Health and Social Care’s consultation on draft legislation for regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates.

This consultation seeks views on the anaesthesia associates and physician associates order (the draft order) that will give the General Medical Council (GMC) the necessary powers and duties to regulate AAs and PAs in the UK.

Read our consultation overview or our detailed response.

Department of Health and Social Care’s consultation, ‘Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public’.

The government have consulted on a number of proposals to modernise the legislation of nine healthcare regulators, including us.

In our response to the consultation, we set out our ambitions for improvement and how modern, flexible legislation will enable us to deliver better, safer regulation for the public.

Read our response to the consultation.

Department of Health and Social Care’s consultation, 'Regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates'

This consultation seeks views on the anaesthesia associates and physician associates order (the draft order) that will give the General Medical Council (GMC) the necessary powers and duties to regulate anaesthesia associates and physician associates in the UK.