Darllen yn Gymraeg

The voice of the public and people who use health and care services matters in everything we do.

As a professional regulator, we're here to promote and uphold high standards in nursing and midwifery - which the public has a right to expect.

We made a clear commitment in our strategy to engage and empower the public, and our ambitions in this area continue to grow. 

We want to better understand your experiences and your needs to help shape what we do as a regulator, and to help improve health and social care for everyone.

How can I get involved?

  • You can share your views and experience to shape our plans and guide our work. This could be work like the standards we set for nursing and midwifery, or improving our support for members of the public who raise concerns with us.
  • You might co-produce policies or standards with us, and take part in discussions or interviews so that your experience of health and care influences what we do.
  • Sometimes you’ll work with us to help improve how we communicate. This could be making sure we’re sharing the right information, and that what we’re saying is useful and clear.

What will I get out of it?

It will vary from person to person, but it could be the chance to:

  • make a difference and use your experience of health and social care to improve services for others
  • learn new skills and to develop your knowledge
  • share ideas and experiences.

What support will I receive?

  • We’ll give you plenty of notice of activities you can get involved in.
  • We’ll make you feel welcome, and support you to take part.
  • If you need additional support or adjustments to fully participate, we’ll do everything we can to support you.
  • For some activities, we can make an involvement payment, as well as cover expenses such as travel costs.

I’d like to find out more – what do I do?

Please email publicengagement@nmc-uk.org today for an informal chat and more information. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

We’re committed to diversity, and including everyone in our work. We’re keen to hear from people all over the UK, from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Other ways to get involved