Details for observers

Cycle of Council meetings

The Council agreed on 27 March 2024 that it would move to holding all but two of its Open meetings annually online, to improve accessibility and enhance transparency. This follows requests made by stakeholders. The paper detailing changes to the cycle of Council meetings and the proposal to hold Open meetings online can be read in the March 2024 Council papers.

During the pandemic, Open Council meetings were held online and we received positive feedback from stakeholders about the ease of being able to observe these meetings. In addition to addressing accessibility issues, there is a cost saving as a result of changing to online meetings and reducing overnight stays.

We are keen to continue to respond to feedback and the Council welcomes your comments about the meeting and any improvements about the way these are held in future. Please send any comments to

Council Open Meeting – 24 July

The 24 July Open Council meeting will be taking place as an online meeting as planned. For background, there are usually two meetings in July. The early July meeting is scheduled to ensure that the approval of the Annual Report and Accounts takes place in time to lay the documents in Parliament before the summer recess. The later meeting is scheduled to review Q1 performance and the data is not available for the early meeting.

Papers for the meeting

Council papers - 24 July 2024

We use only electronic papers for Council meetings and do not produce hard copies of the papers. If you have any difficulties in downloading the papers, or have specific requirements or need adjustments to enable you to access the papers, please get in touch with us so that we can try to help.

Q&A at the meeting

If you have registered to attend the meeting online, you will be able to ask questions during the Q&A items (at approximately 11:50-12:20 and 15:05-15:20) via the Q&A function on Teams. Alternatively, you can email questions through to Events ( All questions will be visible to all participants. If your name is not showing because you are joining by mobile phone or some other reason, please add your name and role or description to the beginning of your question.

We will try to read out and answer as many questions as possible at the meeting, in the order in which they are submitted. Please be assured that all questions we don’t answer at the meeting will be responded to in writing and published in an annexe in the minutes of the meeting. Please note though that we cannot answer questions on specific cases.

Recording the meeting

On this occasion, we will record the meeting and publish it on our website.