Regulating the midwives of today and the future

As the professional regulator of midwives, we support midwives to deliver safe and effective midwifery care through our regulatory processes.

Practising as a midwife in the UK outlines our approach to the regulation of midwives. It brings together in one place all of the information for midwives, women and families, and anyone else with an interest in midwifery in the UK.

Standards for Midwives are our bespoke education and proficiency standards that set the foundations for midwives’ education. They establish what we expect a new midwife to know, understand and be capable of doing, at the start of their career.

Our standards sit alongside the Code, which outlines the standards of behaviour and conduct expected of professionals on our register, and our standards for revalidation, which promote lifelong learning.

Revalidation helps make sure midwives keep up to date, and continue to develop their midwifery knowledge and expertise, to maintain excellent standards of practice.

What you can expect from your midwife

It's important that everyone feels confident about the care they can expect from the midwives on our register.

We've introduced standards for midwifery in the UK, supporting them to deliver safe, effective, and kind care now and in the future. As a result, our midwives are at the forefront of improving people's health and wellbeing.

We've made a short animation to help you understand what you can expect from your midwife.

Midwifery as a protected function and title

Midwifery is a protected function in the UK, meaning it's a criminal offence for any person other than a registered midwife, or a registered medical practitioner, to attend on a woman in childbirth (except in emergencies or when in training as a student midwife or medical student).

It's also a criminal offence for someone to falsely represent themselves as being on our register and use the protected title of ‘Midwife’, or falsely represent themselves as possessing midwifery qualifications.

Our midwifery plan

We want to support midwives to deliver the best and safest care possible, and to use our influence with others who can make changes to support midwives. We can do all of these things better by ensuring the voice of midwifery is heard in every part of the NMC.

Our vision for midwifery is safe, effective and kind midwifery practice that improves the health and wellbeing of mothers, babies and their families.

Our values

  • we are fair
  • we are kind
  • we collaborate
  • we are ambitious

We want to reflect these values in all of our work with and for midwives.

Foundations of our midwifery work

To deliver our vision, we need to be strategic, responsive, and proactive, ensuring the specific needs of the midwifery profession are articulated and visible in all our work as a regulator.

We’re focused on strengthening and reinforcing a consistent approach to midwifery across all of our activities. 

NMC Council

Dr Margaret MicGuire a Midwife and a member of our Council. 

Midwifery Strategic advisory group (MSAG) 

The Midwifery Strategic Advisory Group (MSAG) plays an important role in providing advice to the Council. It meets four times a year and the discussions and debates inform Council decisions in relation to midwifery.

The midwifery team

We have three full time members of the Midwifery Team

Tracey MacCormack Assistant Director for Midwifery

Dr Jacqui Williams, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Education)

Verena Wallace, Senior Midwifery Advisor (Policy)

Our backgrounds cover all aspects of midwifery practice including clinical, management, education and policy.
Together we ensure that midwifery is considered as a profession across the NMC and advise on midwifery matters. We regularly engage with a wide range of stakeholders to support the wider work of midwifery inform our regulatory functions and protect the safety of women, newborn babies and their families.

If you would like to get in touch please email us.

Midwifery education

Lead midwives for education (LMEs) are employed by approved education institutions (AEIs) that provide pre-registration midwifery programmes.

We hold two meetings a year with the Lead Midwives for Education Strategic Reference Group (LMESRG) to discuss topics around midwifery education. Those conversations inform our work around the standards and quality assurance.

Communicating with midwives

Our quarterly newsletter highlights what we’re doing to support you, and features midwives from across the UK.