Once their students have achieved their nursing associate qualifications and the exam boards have met, education institutions need to upload data and complete declarations about their students.
We cannot invite graduate nursing associates to register until this happens.
Before you start your upload
Check you have enough PINs
PINs are in the same format as those for nurses and midwives.
If you need extra PINs for your nursing associate students, you can request these in the usual way by emailing heiinfo@nmc-uk.org with details of your education institution and the number of PINs you need.
Decide who is making the upload
You'll be making the upload via the NMC HEI portal. Consider who will be doing this, and who will be completing the declarations for nursing associate students.
If it’s the individual or team who normally upload to the NMC HEI portal, and they already have an NMC HEI portal account, then they’ll need information about how to complete the declarations.
If it's someone else, you need to request a new NMC HEI portal account. To do this, email heiinfo@nmc-uk.org with the name of your education institution, your email address, the first name and surname of the person who will be using the account and their contact number.
The email address for the individual to complete the declarations cannot already be used for an NMC Online account, so if the individual is a nurse or midwife, you’ll need to check if they use their work email address on their NMC Online account.
Get permission to share student email addresses
When you upload the qualification data for your nursing associate students, it’s really helpful if you can include their email addresses. This means we can email individuals to create their NMC Online account and submit their application to us to join the NMC register.
If we don’t have an email address, we have to send this information by post which can cause delays.
You will need your students' permission to share their email addresses with us, so we suggest getting this organised before you upload.
Making your upload
We will send instructions on how to make an upload to the named contact.
We can provide you with a data uploader file if this is the way you will upload nursing associate information.
If you would like us to do this, please email nauploads@nmc-uk.org with the name of your institution. The file will be pre-populated with the new fields for you to complete, such as academic level and student email address. It will also be pre-populated with the institution code for your partnership.
Completing the declarations
After completing your upload, you need to complete the three declarations about each student. That they have:
- met our standards
- achieved the programmes hours required
- had the breadth of experience in keeping with a generic, non-field specific role.
Once you’ve made the upload, and have completed the three declarations for each student, email nauploads@nmc-uk.org with the name of your institution. We will then check everything has come through to us.
At this point, it’s a good idea for you to tell your students that they can expect an email from us (or a letter if you didn’t give us their email address in your upload) to invite them to start their NMC Online application.
Nursing associates who have provided an email should be notified on the day you successfully complete the upload and make the declarations.
Further help and information
If you have any questions about the upload of nursing associates student data, contact nauploads@nmc-uk.org.
We have separate guidance for nursing associate applicants. You should refer your nursing associates to this for help with completing their NMC Online application.
For questions about nursing associates more generally, contact nursing.associates@nmc-uk.org.