The Public Voice Forum plays an important role in ensuring that our work is informed by the experiences, views and expertise of people who use health and care services. 

Membership of the forum is an opportunity for active involvement with the NMC, focusing on the most important aspects of our work and providing input into a range of issues and topics over an extended period of time. 

Established in December 2021, the forum meets four times a year online and their discussions, feedback and views help to shape and inform our work. 

Meet some members and find out about their experience

Watch this video in Welsh

What do Public Voice Forum members do? 

  • Members share their views and experience to shape our plans and guide our work. This could be things like the standards we set for nursing and midwifery professionals, or our support for members of the public who raise concerns with us. 
  • They co-produce policies or standards with us, and take part in discussions or interviews so that their lived experience of health and care influences what we do. 
  • Sometimes they’ll work with us to help improve how we communicate. This could be making sure we’re sharing the right information, and that what we’re saying is useful and clear. 

What will I get out of it? 

It will vary from person to person, but joining the forum could be the chance to: 

  • make a difference and use your experience of health and social care to improve services for others 
  • learn new skills and to develop your knowledge 
  • share ideas and experiences. 

What support will I receive? 

  • We’ll give you plenty of notice of activities you can get involved in. 
  • We’ll make you feel welcome and support you to take part. 
  • If you need additional support or adjustments to fully participate, we’ll do everything we can to support you. 
  • For some activities, we can make an involvement payment, as well as cover expenses such as travel costs. 

Read the Public Voice Forum terms of reference to find out more about its purpose and the roles and responsibilities of Forum members. 

If you’d like to find out more, or to register your interest, please email