Support with the fitness to practise process

If you are a member of a union or representative body, you should contact them when you are informed that a concern about your practice has been raised.

A representative, such as a union or professional body, will be able to support and advise you throughout the Fitness to Practise process. They’ll provide legal advice and representation throughout the investigation and at hearing stages and advise you on how to respond to concerns raised. A union or professional body may also be able to provide additional wellbeing support throughout the fitness to practise process.

Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
Royal College of Midwives (RCM)

If you are not a member of a union or representative body, the following organisations may be able to support you with the fitness to practise process. This is not an exhaustive list and you may find other organisations able to assist.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. They can provide advice on topics including benefits, work, debt and money, consumer rights, family and housing, law and the courts, immigration and health matters.

Visit: your local Citizens Advice branch
Chat online: Citizens Advice web chat service

England: 0800 144 8848
Scotland: 0800 028 1456
Wales: 03444 772 020
Relay UK: 18001 then 0800 144 8884

England and Wales
Northern Ireland: Advice NI or for other sources of support in Northern Ireland.

Equality for Black Nurses

Equality 4 Black Nurses (E4BN) was established by a nurse who experienced institutional racism first hand and established E4BN as source of support for others.

E4BN offers support with employment issues, support with regulatory issues as well as providing peer support, access to therapy and training.


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The Law Society

Run by the Law Society, Find a Solicitor is a free service for anyone looking for information about organisations or people providing legal services in England and Wales that are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Use 'quick search' to find the nearest legal adviser who can help you with your legal issue. You can choose a legal issue from the list and enter your location (postcode, town or city).

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NMCWatch supports nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals, going through fitness to practise investigations by their regulator or employer.

NMCWatch has involvement from a group of nurses and midwives who have been through the fitness to practise process and offer peer-to-peer support with a buddy programme and representation for those who don't have representation.

The advice and support may be provided for a fee. This should be established with NMCWatch.


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Queen Mary, Legal Advice Centre

The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre provides free practical support and advice to nursing and dental professionals under investigation by the Nursing Midwifery Council and the General Dental Council.

The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre is a student-led service that provides assistance to those who do not have union representation and cannot afford private legal support. The students are supervised and assisted by lawyers with fitness to practise experience.

Phone: 020 7882 3931

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Sequentus provides legal advice, case preparation and representation at hearings for nurses, midwives and nursing associates and other healthcare professionals facing fitness to practise proceedings by their regulator.

Sequentus has experience of fitness to practise cases, with a dedicated team of qualified lawyers and trainees who may be help to advise you through the fitness to practise process.

The advice and support may be provided for a fee. This should be established with Sequentus.

Phone: 0203 151 8015

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Please note:

  • These organisations are independent from the NMC and the NMC is not affiliated with them.
  • These organisations may charge a fee for their services. Nurses, midwives and nursing associates should establish this with the organisations directly.
  • These organisations are being shared for information purposes only. Nurses, midwives and nursing associates are not required to use any of these organisations and may find legal advice and support elsewhere.
  • By signposting to these organisations, the NMC is not vouching for the quality of the support or legal advice they give. Nurses, midwives and nursing associates are strongly advised to conduct their own research and due diligence into the best support for them.