1 Westfield Avenue

Postal address, contact details and opening hours for 1 Westfield Avenue

Darllen yn Gymraeg

If you're a nurse, midwife, or nursing associate, or if you're in the process of applying to join our register, we're here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out to us by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns.

We will not have staff available in person to assist you, so getting in touch via email or phone will ensure the quickest response time.

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Nursing and Midwifery Council
17th Floor
1 Westfield Avenue
E20 1HZ

Telephone: 020 7462 5800

Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00-18:00


Within the building, there is a lift to the 17th floor. There is step free access to the building from street level.

Covid-19 risk assessment

This assessment outlines the safety arrangements we will use to keep our colleagues and visitors safe and prevent the spread of coronavirus.

1 Westfield Avenue Covid-19 risk assessment