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The independent research will:

  • consider what contributes to effective practice learning by looking at models, across UK and in other countries.
  • be able to explain differences in practice learning in other countries and the specific factors that facilitate this.
  • identify any further areas for exploration with our stakeholders, including the public and people who use services, in health and social care on this issue.

The review will also be informed by our quality assurance activity, including how changes to simulated practice learning are being delivered for nursing courses.

The research will consist of a review of practice learning in the UK for both nursing and midwifery; and a review of international literature related to inclusive and effective practice learning environments.

Improvements to the way students learn and train may support more people to be ready to join our register to meet rising demand for health and care services. But any changes we make must apply to all four countries of the UK and support students to deliver safe, kind and effective care during their placements and when they qualify. 

We have appointed The Nuffield Trust to carry out independent research for our review to understand what contributes to effective practice learning across the UK and in other countries. These findings will help us to ensure that students can learn and adapt to the changes we see across health and care, and continually deliver safe, effective and kind care once they qualify.  

As part of the review, we will be calling for examples of innovation and collaboration in practice learning. This will enable AEIs and their PLPs to share insights into the ways they support students, and manage student learning in practice.  We will assess the benefits of these examples, and may explore some of them further in pilot sites so that we can learn more about their potential impact.