If you have a concern or complaint about our QA services provider

How would you rate your experience today? Please fill out our short survey to help us improve the NMC Education webpages.

Complete the survey

Please note that we have appointed The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) as our new education quality assurance service provider. Their contract is scheduled to start on 1 September 2024. We are in the process of planning transition arrangements between our outgoing provider, Mott MacDonald, and the QAA and will update these webpages in due course. Read more here

We’ll investigate and, if necessary, act upon any concerns or complaints we receive about our quality assurance (QA) services provider, Mott MacDonald.

We’ll make sure that these are dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.

Before you contact us

You should make every attempt to resolve your concern or complaint directly with Mott MacDonald before contacting us.

You can visit the Mott MacDonald website for information or contact their team at nmc@mottmac.com

Contact us with your complaint or concern

If you feel that your complaint needs to be escalated to us after you’ve raised this with Mott MacDonald in the first instance, then please contact us using our corporate complaints process.

If you choose to make an anonymous complaint, we may not be able to take any further action as we cannot ask for more information.

See our privacy policy and Professional Practice information handling guidance to find out how we may process your personal information.