Our framework and quality assurance service provider (QASP) handbook provides a detailed explanation of the approval process and the evidence that you (and your practice learning partners) will need to provide to demonstrate that you meet our standards.

If you are already an approved education institution, any subsequent programmes proposals you make to us will pass straight to gateway 3 of our approval process.

Submit your programme request

When you think your programme is ready for approval, you should submit a request on the QA Link.

Once you have submitted your request, and this has been approved by our QASP, you will be notified that Gateway 3 has opened and you can submit your evidence.

After your approval visit or desktop review, our QASP will write a report to let us know if they recommend that our standards have been met or not.

We’ll then conduct our internal QA checks and will inform you of this outcome in writing within 20 working days of receiving their report.