There are two types of programme endorsement which an Approved Education Institution (AEI) can propose:

  • AEIs may choose to deliver an already approved programme being delivered in the UK outside of the UK (this only applies to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man), using comparable programme arrangements.
  • AEIs may choose to deliver parts of approved programmes outside the UK (this only applies to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man).

The UK-based AEI is accountable for the delivery of the endorsed programme as part of their overall assurance to us.

We don’t approve direct franchising for another institution to deliver the programme on behalf of the AEI.

If you are considering delivering an endorsed programme or parts of an endorsed programme outside of the UK, please submit an endorsement request via the QA link. You will need to provide the following information as part of your request:

  • Details of Commissioners.
  • Confirmation that the NMC approved teachers delivering the programme outside of the UK are either employees of the programme provider or formally accredited by the programme provider for the explicit purpose of delivering the programme, they meet NMC requirements by being NMC registrants with due regard to the programme or field of practice and hold a recordable teaching qualification (or equivalent).
  • Details of the anticipated nature of partnerships and commitment in both the support of the programme and in the provision of resources.
  • Evidence is required that the NMC approved curriculum will be the same wherever it is being delivered. This must be delivered within the context of UK healthcare.
  • Details of how the quality assurance arrangements associated with the delivery of the programme outside of the UK will interface with the QA processes of the approved institution, taking account of the local context.

We will review your request and let you know our decision about whether the proposed endorsement can proceed to our gateway approvals process.