Reviewing case examiner decisions

Reference: REV-1

Last Updated 13/01/2023

The Registrar (or one of our Assistant Registrars who also make decisions on behalf of the Registrar) is able to review the following decisionsmade by case examiners (or, where they didn't agree, determinations by the Investigating Committee):

  • A no case to answer decision.
  • A no case to answer decision where they have given advice or issued a warning.
  • A recommendation that undertakings are agreed with the nurse, midwife or nursing associate.
  • A recommendation that variations to the undertakings are agreed with the nurse, midwife or nursing associate.
  • A decision that undertakings should no longer apply and that the allegation against the nurse, midwife or nursing associate should not be considered further.

At the end of our investigation case examiners or the Investigating Committee consider the evidence and decide if there is a case to answer or if there is no case to answer.  

A ‘no case to answer decision’ is when case examiners or the Investigating Committee consider that the facts of the case or the finding of impairment are not capable of being proved, and they either close all of the concerns which have been referred or some of the concerns.

Find out how we check if we can start a review and what happens during the review process.

1 Rule 7A(1)(a-c)

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