Brand new newsletter for members of the public

Published on 28 July 2020

Find out more about our news and guest articles this month.

The NMC has published its new newsletter for members of the public who would like to help shape their work and keep up-to-date with the latest news.

The first issue sent out yesterday leads with a welcome message from the NMC’s new Assistant Director of Pubic Engagement, Alice Hood. She sets out how the NMC wants to work more closely with members of the pubic and to better understand their experiences, needs and views.

What else can I expect?

Readers will find all the latest NMC news, including what we’re doing currently in response to Covid-19. There’s a guest article from Sarah Seddon, who was a witness in a fitness to practise investigation. She discusses how she’s using her personal experience to help us become more person-centred.

Alongside other guest pieces, the newsletter highlights ways that members of the public can help shape the work of the NMC and have their say on topics that affect us all, such as what society should look like after the Covid-19 emergency.

Sign up to keep informed

Anyone can sign up on our website to receive future issues straight to their inbox. As well as our newsletter for the public, there are newsletters for professionals, employers, educators and students.

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