Survey confirms important role of professionals on Covid-19 temporary register

Published on 09 December 2021

See the latest insight from our temporary register

A survey of nurses and midwives on the Covid-19 temporary register shows that more than half of respondents have worked during the pandemic. And almost half are still working.

We established the temporary register in March 2020 to support the UK’s response to the pandemic. We invited some former nurses and midwives to join, as well as internationally trained professionals who were in the process of joining the permanent register.

In August 2021, we asked 13,043 people on the temporary register to tell us about their experiences and future intentions. A total of 3,690 responded – almost all were professionals who had previously been on the permanent register. Of these respondents:

  • 57.5 percent say they have worked since joining the temporary register
  • around 46 percent are still working
  • a third are open to the idea of re-joining the permanent register, with 15 percent saying they’re highly likely to.

Our survey also shows that vaccination centres are the most common workplace for people on the temporary register. Most people have been working part-time, and those looking to stay on want to continue with similar working patterns.

Where people are no longer working, it is most likely due to employer demand. However, around a quarter cited stress, lack of support or poor culture.

Andrea Sutcliffe, NMC Chief Executive and Registrar, said:

“Thousands of nurses and midwives answered our call to join the temporary register, and support the national response to the pandemic. Our survey confirms that many have made vital contributions, most often in helping to deliver the national vaccination programme.

"Our survey shows some people haven’t had opportunities to help. But the pandemic isn’t over. With severe pressure on health and care services as we face winter, and with the vaccination booster programme accelerating, the temporary register will continue to play an important role. We will keep working with our partners in health and social care across the UK to support this.

“I’d like to thank everyone on our temporary register for their continued dedication and commitment.”

The temporary register will stay open until the Secretary of State declares the emergency over. More information can be found in our Covid-19 hub.

The full survey findings can be found on our website.

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