NMC announces further expansion of the Covid-19 temporary register

Published on 05 January 2021

Andrea Sutcliffe, the NMC's Chief Executive and Registrar, comments on the announcement to expand the Covid-19 temporary register to overseas-trained nurses.

Commenting on today’s Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) announcement to expand the Covid-19 temporary register to a further group of overseas-trained nurses, Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, the NMC's Chief Executive and Registrar, said:

"As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, we can all see that health and social care services in England and right across the UK are facing their toughest challenge yet."

"The impact of rising Covid-19 infection rates and related hospital admissions alongside winter pressures and the vital roll out of the vaccine programme are putting tremendous strain on our health and care professionals."

"The need for as many people as possible to provide skilled care and support in hospitals, nursing homes and in the community has never been greater to ensure the NHS and social care can continue to provide kind, safe and effective care."

"The temporary emergency register the NMC established in March 2020 includes thousands of former nurses ready to help, many already making an important contribution."

"In response to the increasing pressures, we are announcing today the further expansion of the temporary register so that as many overseas-trained nurses as possible can opt in to help if they wish to."

"In agreement with the Department of Health and Social Care and the four UK Chief Nursing Officers, we are initially inviting just over 2,000 nurses who have trained overseas and are ready to take the final stage of their permanent registration application process, to join the temporary register."

"From next week, we will also be contacting overseas-trained nurses whose applications to join the permanent register are in progress. We will be working with their employers to determine whether they can be included in the temporary register."

"We recognise the importance of increasing the numbers of nurses to cope with the present emergency, but this must be done safely. Conditions of practice will therefore be applied to the temporary registration of both these groups to ensure safe and supported practice."

"While we’re expanding the temporary register in this way, we will continue to support and process applications to the permanent register."

"At this time of crisis, I hope our actions will help support health and social care services during the coming weeks."

"The expertise, compassion and commitment of all of our nurses, midwives, nursing associates and their colleagues continues to fill me with enormous gratitude, pride and admiration."

"Thank you for everything you are doing to care for people in these unprecedented times."

Read more about the NMC’s joint statement, together with the UK Chief Nursing Officers, on expanding the Covid-19 temporary register to overseas-trained nurses to support the health and care workforce response to the pandemic over the winter period.


For further media enquiries, please contact the NMC press office.

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