Latest newsletter for educators

Published on 17 September 2021

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Our latest educators’ newsletter includes an article by Sue West, our Senior Nursing Education Adviser. She speaks about changes to nursing and midwifery education over the last year and explains what support is available for educators and their students as they prepare for a new academic year.  

Starting afresh – going into a new academic year

Portrait of Sue West

Sue West works as a Senior Nursing Education Adviser at the NMC. To mark the start of a new academic year, we’ve spoken to Sue about her reflections on the changes to nursing and midwifery education over the past year and the effects Covid-19 has had on educators.

Sue also shared what support there is for educators going into the new academic year to make sure their learning environments stay effective and safe.

The new academic year gives us a chance to pause and reflect on the past year and look forward to what’s to come. The Covid-19 pandemic impacted all of us in so many ways. And it definitely left its mark on our education system with disruptions for educators, students and employers alike.

Taking positive action, educators have been flexible and managed a quick transition to virtual learning and where necessary, either extended practice learning placements or extended theory. It’s outstanding how you as educators, whether in education institutions or in practice learning environments, have welcomed change into the way you support and educate students and made sure your learning environments stayed effective and safe. Even if in extreme cases this meant a deferral of education for some.

Because of your continued support, a new set of exceptional graduates are now ready to join our nursing and midwifery workforce. Despite the disruptions and changes these students faced in their final year, their knowledge and skills will meet the required standards and proficiencies as any other graduates before them.

In addition, the pandemic came with its own unique challenges, experiences and learning which the students can take into their future everyday practice. As these newly registered nurses and midwives start their employment and adjust to their new roles, I’m sure they’ll welcome further guidance from you, their colleagues and preceptors.

A small number of this year’s nursing graduates will be the first to complete their programmes based on our new future nurse standards. Also those nursing associate students who started the first NMC approved programmes will qualify and join our register. This is really exciting and something to celebrate.

There’ll be a particularly large number of new students starting courses this year. For them, as well as ongoing students, Covid-19 is still here and may affect their education experience in the new academic year. The virtual world will remain the norm, in part, for the foreseeable future, including online learning, simulated practice, care delivery and interaction with people. 

Here are some useful tips to support making your online classes as successful as possible.

This continues to be a highly stressful time for students and yourselves, making wellbeing an important subject. In line with our standards it’s crucial for you to support your students and colleagues with any mental health struggles and pressures they might experience. These have been extraordinary times. Thank you for being an essential part in helping our next generations of nursing and midwifery professionals thrive.

What else can I expect when I read the educators’ newsletter?

Readers will also find the latest news about our new Test of Competence, next steps following our post-registration consultation, and our annual reports. We’ve also included information for educators about why it’s important to use our standards of proficiency during the revalidation process and how to do this following three key steps.  

Read our latest newsletter for educators

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Anyone can sign up on our website to receive future issues straight to their inbox. As well as our newsletter for educators, there are newsletters for students, employers, the public, midwives, nurses and nursing associates.


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