Latest newsletter for the public and students

Published on 04 June 2021

We’ve published our latest quarterly newsletters for the public and students.

Our public newsletter features a lead item about our two newest animations. They explain what people who use health and care services can expect from the professionals on our register. The animations highlight the standards of proficiency we’ve introduced over the last two years and how they help nurses and midwives to deliver the kindest, safest and most effective care for people and their families.

The lead article in our students’ newsletter covers our annual registration data report. It highlights how students are going to join our biggest register ever and the key role this next generation of nurses, midwives and nursing associates will play in the years to come.

What else can I expect if I read the public newsletter?

Hear from Katie Harrison, a trustee at My Life My Choice, on why it's important for the needs of people with a learning disability to be at the forefront of health and care services. You’ll also find the latest news on how the public can get involved in our consultation on post-registration education standards, and how NMC standards affect the care you receive and more.

Read our latest newsletter for the public

What else can I expect if I read the students’ newsletter?

Readers will find updates on our commitment to tackle institutional racism, as well as our continuous work to improve our fitness to practice (FtP) processes and decision making. There are also a variety of insightful guest articles – student nurse Victoria Gibson talks about the importance of learning disability nursing, student midwife Chloe Warriner describes why studying midwifery has been a dream come true, and Patrick Onyema shares words of wisdom from his experience as a registered nursing associate.

Read our latest newsletter for students

Sign up to keep informed

Anyone can sign up on our website to receive future issues straight to their inbox. As well as these newsletters, there are newsletters for midwives, nurses and nursing associates, educators and employers.


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