NMC BMe staff network raises over £1700 for charity

Published on 16 November 2020

As a part of this year’s celebrations for Black History Month, our BMe staff network has come together to raise money for the Cavell Nurses’ Trust.

Through their incredible efforts, we are delighted to announce that they have already exceeded their £1500 goal, raising over £1870 so far.

Anique Leomine, who works as a Business Improvement Officer, has raised £835, making her the largest individual fundraiser in the country.

Speaking about her involvement, Anique said,

“When the pandemic first hit and we were standing on our steps, clapping for everyone working hard to keep us safe - I knew I wanted to do more. I’m a strong believer in giving back where you can and the work Cavell Nurses’ Trust does is so important. Hearing stories from nurses and midwives about the difference their support makes really touched me and I’m grateful for the generosity of my friends, family and colleagues who have contributed.”

The money has been raised for Cavell Nurses’ Trust, a charity that supports both working and retired nurses, midwives and healthcare assistant across the UK who face personal or financial hardship as a result of illness, disability, older age and domestic abuse.

You can still contribute until the end of November. 

Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive and Registrar for the NMC said,

“I am so incredibly proud of Anique and our wonderful BMe staff network for their incredible effort to raise money for such a worthwhile cause. We celebrated the contribution of Black nurses and midwives in Black History Month and it feels very appropriate that our fundraising will contribute to an organisation that does amazing work supporting our professionals in their time of need.”

Karen Lanlehin, co-chair of the BMe network at the NMC said,

“The BMe network wanted to make a contribution during this International Year of the Nurse and Midwife in recognition of tremendous personal sacrifices we have seen our dedicated nurses and midwives making in the efforts against Covid. I am so proud to know that the funds we’ve raised will help the Cavell Nurses’ Trust to continue their vital work, making a real difference to the lives of the very people we look to in our time of need or crisis, in their own time of crisis. Thank you to everyone who donated for their generosity.”

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