NMC chair to step down

Published on 02 December 2020

Philip Graf, Chair of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to step down

NMC Chair, Philip Graf is stepping down from his role, due to illness following a stroke he suffered at the end of September.

The Council has agreed that current acting Chair of the Council, Karen Cox, will continue until a permanent successor is appointed. An open selection process will take place early next year.

Philip Graf, Chair of Council said:

“I’ve been so proud to be the Chair of the Nursing and Midwifery Council and I’m very sorry that my illness means I have to step down. I always knew the importance of professionalism and expertise for nurses, midwives and nursing associates, but being in hospital has made me keenly aware of the third element, care and compassion, which makes such a difference.”

“I wish everyone at the NMC and every professional on our register all the very best for the future.”


Acting Chair of the Council, Karen Cox, said:

“It’s been a pleasure to work alongside Philip over the last few years and I know I speak for all of my Council colleagues when I say how deeply sorry we are that he is unable to continue as Chair. Philip’s wisdom and insight in steering the Council so effectively over the last few years will have a lasting impact.

“Philip’s ability to bring people together is second to none, and the relationships he forged both with Council members and our partners has been a major part of the NMC’s success in recent years.

“All of us on the Council will miss Philip’s warmth, his joy and his sense of fun and wish him and all his family well in his recovery.

“The Council is united in seeking to continue Philip’s excellent work, until a permanent successor is appointed next year."


Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, said:

“I’m desperately sorry to see Philip step down from his role as Chair and on behalf of everyone here at the NMC, I would like to thank him for everything he has done for the organisation over the last two and a half years.

“Philip has been a fantastic personal support to me since I arrived at the NMC. He has guided and challenged me and the senior team to be ambitious for what the NMC can do for nurses, midwives and nursing associates; for our colleagues and for the public we serve.  We are determined to continue along the path he set for us.

“I loved working with Philip. We will all miss his excellent leadership and his wonderful, mischievous sense of humour.

“My thoughts and warmest wishes are with Philip and his family during this very tough time for them.”



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