NMC responds to the Public Accounts Committee's 'NHS nursing workforce' report

Published on 23 September 2020

Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive and Registrar of the NMC responds to the Public Accounts Committee's 'NHS nursing workforce report'.

Responding to the Public Accounts Committee’s ‘NHS nursing workforce’ report, Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, Chief Executive and Registrar of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) said: 

“Even before Covid-19, we knew our nursing and midwifery community was the beating heart of our health and care system. Despite tremendous pressures and difficult circumstances exacerbated by the pandemic, our registrants continue to demonstrate the expertise, compassion and commitment that makes them the public’s most trusted profession. 

“This report couldn’t be clearer in its warning: If we don’t prioritise recruiting, retaining and supporting our nursing professionals, we’ll lose them forever. The disastrous consequences this would have on those working and using health and care services concern us all.

“At the NMC, we’ve seen an incredible response with people joining our Covid-19 temporary register, and it’s encouraging to know from our analysis that around half would consider staying on permanently.  

“And while our latest data shows a welcome increase in the number of registered professionals, it also highlights why we can’t afford to rely on the flow of nurses joining our register from overseas alone – a finding echoed in this report.

“The PAC is clear, we need a long-term, sustainable workforce plan that addresses the needs of nursing professionals employed across all NHS, social care and community settings.  It should also tackle the unacceptable inequalities experienced by those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.  As the professional regulator, we’re committed to doing all we can to help shape that plan and play our part in delivering its ambitions.”


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