NMC seeks new Council members

Published on 25 November 2022

Applications are now open for three new members to join our Council

We’re looking for one registrant (a nurse, midwife or nursing associate) and two lay people to join our Council – the governing body that sets our strategic direction. All three roles are open to applicants from across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The Council takes key decisions to promote the highest standards in nursing and midwifery, to protect the public and inspire public confidence in the professions. We are keen to hear from those who can bring significant skills in areas such as:

  • public accountability or public affairs; or advocacy for the public or people who use services; or
  • senior leadership in higher education; or
  • significant commercial expertise or leadership or oversight of major technology/digital or cultural transformation.

We want the Council to reflect the diversity of the professionals on our register and the public we serve, so we particularly encourage applicants from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Sir David Warren, Chair of the Council, said:

“Over the next three years, we are looking forward to developing our 2025-2030 Strategy and to government reforms which will transform how we work. We are looking for three high calibre, talented people who can add value to our work as we enter this exciting new phase.

“You will be joining a highly motivated, forward-thinking Council, united in our ambition to do our best for the public we serve and the professionals we regulate. Our values - to be fair, kind, collaborative, and ambitious, along with our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion - underpin everything we do.

“We want the Council to reflect our society in all its diversity. So we are keen to hear from people with the right skills and expertise from across all four UK countries, diverse backgrounds, experience and walks of life.”

The closing date for applications is Noon on 18 January 2023. To learn more about the roles and to apply, visit the Perrett Laver website.

Under the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, the Council must be made up of six lay and six registrant members, including at least one from each of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, appointed by the Privy Council.

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