NMC statement in response to publication of the East Kent Maternity Review

Published on 19 October 2022

Responding to the report of the Independent Review of maternity services at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive and Registrar at the NMC, who gave evidence to the inquiry, said:

“Today’s report sets out devastating failings in maternity care at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. My thoughts are with the women, their babies and families who have been so terribly impacted by these awful events. I’m grateful to all who bravely came forward as part of this review.

“Alongside serious organisational and leadership failings at the Trust, it’s clear that women and families receiving care were not listened to or treated with compassion and there was a clear breakdown in effective teamworking.

“Our Future Midwife standards are there to support midwifery professionals to provide the safe, effective and kind care women, babies and families have every right to expect. This includes acting with compassion, working as part of a team and speaking up when things go wrong. These standards must be implemented across education and practice. Maternity services must be properly resourced to support the implementation of these standards including the provision of professional development for staff. Those responsible for commissioning and managing maternity services need to take this seriously.

“Collaboration among regulators and our partners is key to addressing some of the issues outlined in this report. At the NMC, we are committed to playing our part in helping to deliver sustainable improvements in maternity services.

“We will now urgently consider the findings of this report, both to understand what learning we can take from it, and to carefully consider whether any regulatory action may need to be taken.”

For further media enquiries, please contact the NMC press office via email media@nmc-uk.org or 07881 327 517

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