NMC statement on UK riots

Published on 07 August 2024

The violent riots across the country are disgraceful, and are indicative of the Islamophobia and racism which sadly persist across society.

Almost a third of the nurses, midwives and nursing associates on our register are from Black and ethnic minority backgrounds, and are bringing their knowledge and skills to bear for the benefit of people across the UK. They should not have to fear for themselves or those close to them, and it is profoundly wrong that many will feel very unsafe both at home and at work as a result of the riots.

The NMC shares wider society's horror at the violence which has unfolded. Health and care professionals everywhere may find it helpful to refer to the guidance that we supported NHS England and NHS Confederation to produce on combatting racial discrimination against ethnic minority nurses, midwives and nursing associates.

If any nurse, midwife or nursing associate feels unsafe at work, they should speak with their manager or employer, who have a duty of care to staff. There will be organisational policies in place that cover staff safety.

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