NMC thanks Dame Ruth May for time as Chief Nursing Officer for England

Published on 16 April 2024

The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for England has announced that she will be retiring later this year.

Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive and registrar, said:

"Ruth has provided phenomenal leadership for the nursing and midwifery professions in England, not least through the unprecedented and sustained hardship of the Covid-19 pandemic, when she showed clarity of vision and a human touch.

"Ruth has been a very visible Chief Nursing Officer, actively speaking up in support of the professions and celebrating their achievements. At the same time, she’s worked tirelessly behind the scenes on expanding the workforce and securing improvements, including new funding for continued professional development for nurses and midwives. Ruth has also been a staunch advocate for internationally educated colleagues and Black, Ethnic Minority professionals, with a commitment to promoting anti-racism.

“On a personal note, I have valued Ruth’s wise counsel and advice, her constructive challenge and her friendship. It’s been a privilege to work with her. On behalf of everyone at the NMC, I want to thank Ruth for her tireless dedication and exceptional contribution as a selfless public servant."

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