RCM launches Race Matters campaign

Published on 22 June 2020

Read our response

Responding to the launch of Race Matters – a new campaign launched today (Monday 22 June) by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) to tackle race issues within maternity services - Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, Chief Executive and Registrar of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), said:

“At a time when we know Covid-19 has exposed and exacerbated unacceptable inequalities experienced by people from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds, the responsibility for positive change rests with us all.

“We welcome this campaign from the RCM and support its aim in ensuring discriminatory attitudes and behaviours towards those working in and receiving midwifery care are acknowledged and acted upon.

“Midwives make such a vital contribution to the quality and safety of maternity care for women, babies and their families, and I’m proud that our new NMC Future Midwife Standards have set out such a strong foundation in addressing the key themes of racism, human rights and equity.

“Our new standards make clear what we’re expecting midwives across the UK to demonstrate - for example, an understanding of and the ability to challenge discriminatory behaviour, as well as providing safe, respectful, empowering and equitable care irrespective of social context and setting.

“Improvement and long-lasting change to mitigate health and social inequalities isn’t easy. But collectively, we - regulators, employers, educators, professional organisations, midwives in practice and students - can help create the conditions that will make this possible.”

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