Response to the PSA’s decision to refer fitness to practise outcome to the High Court

Published on 16 July 2021

Read our response

Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive and Registrar at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), said:

“Following an internal NMC review of its independent panel’s fitness to practise decision in the case of nurse Melanie Hayes, we asked the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) to consider exercising its power to refer the panel’s decision to the High Court.

“In light of the concerns that the decision was insufficient to protect the public, it’s right that the High Court consider this case.

“I know that the decision in this case has caused significant concern and I want to reiterate how sorry I am for that.

“We’re absolutely committed to learning from this case to ensure that we get it right when making decisions in cases concerning racism or any other form of discrimination.”


As this case is now subject to court proceedings we are unable to comment any further at this stage.

The NMC is awaiting the detailed grounds for appeal in this case and will agree its next steps once these have been received.

Read the PSA's update on their decision to refer this case to the High Court.

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