Response to CQC's annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England

Published on 22 October 2021

Read our response below

Responding to the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) annual assessment of health and social care over the past year in England, Andrea Sutcliffe, NMC Chief Executive and Registrar, said:

“Today’s report highlights the extraordinary pressures on health and social care services and reflects what we hear from nursing and midwifery professionals across the UK. Their outstanding contribution to the pandemic response has been vital but they are now understandably exhausted.

“The report exposes a tired and depleted workforce facing immense difficulties, many exacerbated by the pandemic – unacceptable inequalities facing people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds; increased challenges for people with a learning disability; slow progress in maternity services improvement; and the damaging impact of the crisis in social care on people in the most vulnerable of circumstances, their families and carers.

“Building something better – a health and care system that works for everyone – is the challenge set by the CQC and is a challenge we all need to meet with determination and focus.  And we need to do it together.”

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