Response to report 'The life and death of Elizabeth Dixon: a catalyst for change'

Published on 27 November 2020

Read our response

Responding to publication of the report The life and death of Elizabeth Dixon: a catalyst for change, Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, Chief Executive and Registrar at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), said:

“This report is truly heart-breaking. I offer my deepest sympathies to Anne and Graeme Dixon, not only for the loss of their daughter Elizabeth, but for the fact they had to fight for far too long to have their concerns heard and answered.

“I am truly sorry for the distress our own actions caused the family by the way we handled the two cases highlighted in the report between 2002 and 2007.

“We fully accept the recommendations made and will ensure this learning is translated into meaningful action in the way we regulate, support and influence kind, effective and safe care for people using health and care services.

“Since the time of these cases, through the implementation of a new, strategic approach to fitness to practise, we’ve made significant changes to how we manage investigations. This includes person-centred support for families and professionals involved - and ongoing work to improve the way we identify and take greater account of the wider context when things have gone wrong.

“No-one deserves to endure what the Dixon family have had to go through. Their anguish makes me more determined than ever to work with others to make sure real change happens.”

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