Response to the launch of the first part of the People Plan, the ‘People Promise’

Published on 30 July 2020

Read our response

Commenting on the launch of the first part of the People Plan, the ‘People Promise’, Andrea Sutcliffe CBE, Chief Executive and Registrar at the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), said:

“It’s encouraging to see these proposals commit to making a tangible and positive difference to the wellbeing, equality and development of health and care staff.

“Despite the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, NMC registered professionals have continued to deliver excellent nursing and midwifery care. But as we know from our own data, health and social care were already facing significant pressures in attracting and retaining the skilled professionals we need for the future. The impact of Covid-19 may exacerbate those pressures and has also exposed the unacceptable inequalities faced by professionals from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

“Focussing on how we can support and develop our nursing and midwifery professionals so they stay and enjoy long and exciting careers is now ever more important.

“We look forward to continuing to work with our partners on the development of these key areas, and contributing to the next stage of the People Plan coming later in the year, for the benefit of our registrants and the needs of people using health and care services.”

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