What do academic assessors do?
Academic assessors collate and confirm the student’s achievement of proficiencies and programme outcomes in the academic environment for each part of the programme.
As indicated in the section on who academic assessors are, the academic assessor role is structured slightly differently to the practice assessor role. The academic assessor role is expressed to reflect this difference.
The nominated academic assessor will work with a nominated practice assessor to make a recommendation for student progression. The two assessors must take this decision collaboratively, taking into consideration the student’s learning and achievement across theory and practice. More information can be found on assessment for progression in the relevant sections below.
- Collation and confirmation of academic learning
- Assessment for progression
- Upholding public protection
- Managing a student not meeting the progress expected
- Handing over to the next assessor (if relevant)
Relevant standards for this section:
Standards for student supervision and assessment: 6.1, 6.8 (page 8) 9.1-9.7 (page 10)
Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education: R1.4 (page 6) R4.2, R4.5-4.11 (page 11), R5.7-5.16 (page 12)
Standards for pre-registration nursing programmes: 4.4, 4.5, 4.7-4.10 (page 11)
Standards for prescribing programmes: 4.7, 4.8 (page 12)
Standards for pre-registration nursing associate programmes: 4.4, 4.5,4.7-4.9 (page 5)
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- Last Updated: 06/02/2019
Want to download and print whole sections of SISSSA? Visit the downloads page.
- Introduction
- Practice supervision
- Practice assessment
Academic assessment
- Who are academic assessors and how are they prepared?
- Who identifies the academic assessors
- What do academic assessors do?
- Support for the academic assessor role
- Learning environments and experiences
- Student empowerment
- Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes