Raising concerns about student performance and behaviour
Practice supervisors have a responsibility to raise concerns about nursing and midwifery student conduct and competence, in a timely and responsible manner. This should be done with relevant people, such as the student’s practice and academic assessors, where appropriate.
Practice supervisors should raise concerns directly with the student first, if appropriate, and take steps to improve student performance. If this has been done and the student has not improved the practice supervisor may need to escalate a concern.
The practice supervisor should escalate their concerns immediately if it’s urgently needed to protect the public.
What constitutes a concern and when and how to raise it depends on a number of factors, including the individual situation of the student, any equality and diversity considerations, and the existence of organisational processes for raising concerns about student performance.
The practice supervisor must decide when and how to raise concerns about student conduct and competence, based on the relevant circumstances and their own experience.
It’s the AEI’s responsibility, with its practice learning partners, to ensure that suitable processes and support are in place for this to happen.
Email Page
- Last Updated: 23/07/2018
Want to download and print whole sections of SISSSA? Visit the downloads page.
- Introduction
- Practice supervision
- Practice assessment
Academic assessment
- Who are academic assessors and how are they prepared?
- Who identifies the academic assessors
- What do academic assessors do?
- Support for the academic assessor role
- Learning environments and experiences
- Student empowerment
- Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes