Who can be a practice supervisor?
Practice supervisors must be registered with a professional regulator like the NMC, GMC or HCPC. Health and social care professionals who are not registered with a professional regulator can not be practice supervisors.
Others who are not registered health and social care professionals but are working in a practice learning environment, such as phlebotomists, teachers (in a primary or secondary school) or maternity support workers, may also contribute to student supervision . The role that non-registered professionals play depends on a number of things, including what skill is being taught, the experience and skills of the professional, what oversight there is, and the environment where learning is taking place. Further information will be provided on this in the section on the practice environment.
It’s the approved education institution's (AEI’s) responsibility, with its practice learning partners, to make sure that practice supervision and learning are delivered in a way that enables students to meet their learning outcomes, and does not compromise public protection.
Email Page
- Last Updated: 23/07/2018
Want to download and print whole sections of SISSSA? Visit the downloads page.
- Introduction
- Practice supervision
- Practice assessment
Academic assessment
- Who are academic assessors and how are they prepared?
- Who identifies the academic assessors
- What do academic assessors do?
- Support for the academic assessor role
- Learning environments and experiences
- Student empowerment
- Practice environment case studies for nursing programmes