Safe learning experiences promote and preserve the safety of everyone involved. A safe learning experience is dependent on both the safety of the learning environment(s) and the culture within it.
The AEI, with its practice learning partners, should prioritise safety and have processes in place to make sure that learning environments, and the culture within them, are safe for students to learn in. This includes the new safeguarding arrangements that need to be in place for any students under the age of 18 (2.8 of our Standards framework for nursing and midwifery education.)
Public safety includes making sure that people are informed and empowered to be a partner in their care. They should be given the opportunity to give and if required, withdraw, their informed consent to students being involved in their care. Open communication is essential to ensure that people feel they have adequate choice around consent on both general and specific aspects of their care by students.
People must be protected from potential harm that may arise from a student’s practice. This includes students being adequately prepared and supported for their practice learning. Students should not be placed in a setting with people whose care whose needs are outside of the students’ capability, without appropriate support and supervision.
In a safe learning environment students must also be aware of and protected from potential risks to their safety, while having opportunities to practise the skills required to build proficiency. All students must have access to a nominated person while in practice, who must be available to support students and advise them regarding any concerns they may have.