The AEI, along with its practice learning partners, is responsible for identifying which professionals may be suitable assessors for students, and for what period/parts of the programme. This can be done continuously throughout the student’s programme.
When they do this, they should take into account the following things:
- public protection
- the relevant standards
- student learning needs
- programme outcomes
- competence, suitability, and preparation of potential assessors,
- resource considerations and size of the cohort
- how the placements and practice learning experiences are organised
Relevant NMC standards for this section
6.1: all students on an NMC approved programme are assigned to a different nominated academic assessor for each part of the education programme
6.3: nursing students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are NMC registered nurses with appropriate equivalent experience for the student’s field of practice
6.4: midwifery students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are NMC registered midwives
6.5: specialist community public health nurse (SCPHN) students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are NMC registered SCPHNs with appropriate equivalent experience for the student’s field of practice
6.6: nursing associate students are assigned to practice and academic assessors who are either an NMC registered nursing associate or an NMC registered nurse
9.7: academic assessors are not simultaneously the practice supervisor and practice assessor for the same student
4.6: ensure the student is assigned to an academic assessor who is a
registered healthcare professional with suitable equivalent qualifications
for the programme the student is undertaking
4.5: ensure practice and academic assessors:
4.5.1: have undertaken a period of preceptorship in line with the NMC principles for preceptorship as SCPHNs or community nurses with a SPQ or,
4.5.2: can evidence prior learning and relevant practice assessor experience that enables them to engage in fair, reliable and valid assessment processes in the context of SCPHN and/or community nursing SPQ