
Last Updated 02/05/2024

The NMC’s corporate narrative is the consistent, compelling story that we all tell about what we do, how we treat each other and other people, and where we’re heading.

This identity can help each and every one of us in our professional lives by increasing the impact of our communication and engagement with colleagues internally and stakeholders externally.

The NMC first used a narrative in late 2018. Colleagues used it to communicate and engage with others and in 2021, we updated it to articulate our 2020–2025 corporate strategy and chronicle our response to Covid-19.

This revised version reflects how we’re responding to and learning from current challenges to become a better regulator that does better for people.

Updating our narrative over time, ensures that we’re reflecting the reality of the wider landscape, where we are as an organisation and how we’re responding to change.

How do I use the narrative?

The narrative doesn’t need to be used verbatim, but please ensure that what you’re saying aligns with it.

For example, one professional might speak to an NMC colleague at an event to ask why we need to further regulate advanced practice. The colleague might say, ‘Because we want to give greater recognition to advanced practitioners.’ The same professional might then phone the contact centre and ask someone else the same question, but this time be told, ‘Because a lot of our stakeholders would like it’.

In this example, one person has heard two different stories. This may confuse them and undermine their trust in us. Not only that, the answers they received wouldn’t have reflected our values, which may also have negatively impacted their confidence in us and what we do.

If both NMC colleagues had responded in line with our narrative, they might have said something like, ’Advanced practitioners are increasingly taking on complex, autonomous and expert roles to provide person-centred care. Regulation is about improving consistency and standards in the best interests of people receiving care.

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