Approval visits are the final part of our four-stage gateway process for approving new education programmes. This is where we check that the programmes at education institutions meet our standards and requirements.

After the visit, our external QA service provider complete a programme approval visit report.

We consider this report and decide to approve or refuse approval of the programme. We then publish the approval visit reports after we make our decision.

Visit reports: approved

Visit reports: refused approval

University of Bedfordshire - nursing associate - November 2019

University of Bedfordshire - nursing associate - November 2019

Reason for refusal

We refused these proposed programme(s) as nine conditions were set during the approval process and we allow up to five conditions for a programme to be approved. The conditions are outlined in the report.

As there are currently students on the legacy Health Education England (HEE) Nursing Associate programme (pre-NMC standards), we've liaised with HEE over this refusal. HEE have carried out further quality assurance and provided us with robust assurance in relation to the student learning experience on the current programme.

University of Bedfordshire - nursing - November 2019

University of Bedfordshire - nursing - November 2019

Reason for refusal

We refused these proposed programme(s) as 12 conditions were set during the approval process and we allow up to five conditions for a programme to be approved. The conditions are outlined in the report. 

These conditions were in relation to our new standards and future programme design, rather than highlighting any concerns about the pre-registration nursing programme currently running against our pre-2018 standards.

Canterbury Christ Church University - midwifery - August 2022

Canterbury Christ Church University - midwifery - August 2022

Reason for refusal:

We refused this programme as the visitors as part of the conjoint approval with the university, identified seven conditions where our standards were not being met. An additional five university specific conditions were also identified.

University of Edinburgh - prescribing - April 2020

University of Edinburgh - prescribing - April 2020

Reason for refusal:

We refused this programme as at the approval event the visitors identified six areas where our standards were not being met:

1. The AEI must provide a strategy and implementation plan to ensure recruitment, ongoing development, delivery and evaluation of the programme is co-produced with SUCs and other stakeholders. (SFNME R1.12; Standards for prescribing (SPP) R2.1)

2. The AEI must provide details of admission processes and procedures which support self-employed applicants applying for entry onto an NMC approved prescribing programme. (SFNME R2.3; SPP R1.2, R1.3)

3. The AEI must provide details of the audit process and outline how this will be implemented for practice learning placements for NHS, non-NHS and self- Page 2 of 2 employed applicants. (SFNME R2.13; SSSA R1.4, R1.10, R2.4, R2.5; SPP R1.3, R3.1, R3.2)

4. The AEI must provide details of the schedule and programme of preparation for practice assessors and practice supervisors which ensures these individuals are suitably prepared to support applicants to the prescribing programme. (SFNME R2.4, R2.5, R2.14; SSSA R5.1, R6.7, R8.1; SPP R1.3, R3.2, R4.2)

5. The AEI must provide documentary evidence confirming practice learning partners adopt an approach with shared responsibility for quality theory and practice supervision, learning and assessment, including lines of communication and accountability for the development, delivery, quality assurance and evaluation of the prescribing programme. (SFNME R2.5; SPP R2.1, R4.1, R4.2)

6. The AEI must provide a single comprehensive document that provides the essential information required to undertake the programme. (SFNME R3.2; SPP R2.1)